Leaders training leaders

Mesha Singolyo

ICSEE has helped to organize four women’s groups in recent years. Each has resources and income-generating businesses.

To be successful, organizations need to be living, learning organisms. Good organizations challenge assumptions and habits on a regular basis.And most importantly, each has leaders who do a great job, even in situations that they have never anticipated or previously experienced.


Facing leadership challenges

The leadership teams of all four organizations frequently face challenges that are brand new to them. The Monduli Pastoralist Women’s Organization (MPWO) with 220 members, are the expert stoves installers from 20 villages. They have a business buying and fattening bulls that they then sell.

The three widow’s organizations in Mitmoja, Nanja, and Longido have goat businesses, fattening 75 goats each. The goats will soon be sold for profit.

Each leadership team must face the income and profit distribution decisions inherent in this work. There are tough decisions coming up as the entire community faces the possibility of drought once again. And all leaders need to prepare to handle disappointment when expectations turn out not to have been realistic.

Leadership workshop at Cypress Hill

Leadership workshop at Cypress Hill

Leaders training leaders

Twenty-four participating women explored issues like these at the recent two-day leadership workshop held at the ICSEE Cypress Hill Campus.

It was the perfect setting. These attendees were the very first to use Cypress Hill’s newly furnished overnight hostel accommodations. This allowed the women who traveled a distance to sleep comfortably right on campus, making the most of their workshop experience.

Program Manager Mesha Singolyo and Project Manager Kisioki Moitiko designed and led the workshop. With their expertise in leadership, organizing, recruiting, and training Mesha and Kisioki provided a very productive leadership immersion for six heads from each of the organizations.

It was a great experience for all. Thank you to all who made this possible.