
Benefits of International Collaborative and Maasai Stoves & Solar sponsorship

We welcome your sponsorship. Thank you for aligning with our mission.

The greatest benefit of sponsorship is the opportunity to make a significant difference in the environment and the lives of people in the developing world. In addition, sponsors have the following opportunities:

  • Receive Twende!, the monthly enewsletter of Maasai Stoves & Solar
  • Attend special events, just for sponsors and donors
  • Schedule a public talk or presentation with Professor Robert V. Lange, President
  • Recognition of your sponsorship at the Maasai Stoves & Solar website
  • Appreciation of your support in Twende!
  • Access to a visit to the Project on-site in Tanzania
  • Join us at international conferences

Your gift is tax-deductible

The International Collaborative, also known as the International Collaborative of Science, Education, and the Environment (ICSEE) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization registered in the United States and in Tanzania. Your gift is tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. The organization focuses on the Maasai Stoves & Solar project.

Make a genuine difference with your sponsorship of the Maasai Stoves & Solar Project

There are many ways to help our work. With your sponsorship, you demonstrate your organization’s shared values of women’s empowerment, improved health, education, quality of life for the people, conservation, and a healthier environment for all. Your support can also help us to mitigate climate change.

Foundation and grant support

Helping you achieve the philanthropic aims of your grant or foundation is an important part of our work. We invite your inquiries and look forward to learning more about your goals.