Your donations go way beyond helping with day-to-day Project costs.
You are supporting something much stronger.
The People now grasp that life can truly be better–and that they are the key actors.
It is these realizations that multiply your gifts over and over.
The awakened energy of the People has become the ultimate “matching fund.”
Meet Noorkimunyak (Noor) Mollel
Recently promoted to Trainer, Noor is a member of the Maasai Women’s Stove Installation Team. She comes from the village of Mti Moja, where she lives with her six children and husband Leyan Lengawo. Together with the Global Fund for Widows, the ICSEE organized two widow’s groups here. It is now completing the installation of 100 stoves and two solar micro-grids, in cooperation with The Global Uplift Project.
We asked Noor what she would like to say to you. Here is her message
“Mesha, from the ICSEE was already working with the widows of my village. When the ICSEE was going to add stoves and solar, a village meeting was held. The women chose who would be trained to become a stove installer. I was very happy that my friends picked me.
I was thrilled to be chosen to become a Trainer, even though I was a new installer. I like traveling to teach others in the new villages. We have just been to Loibosoit and Loibosiret villages, training five women from each. They will soon finish the 100 stove installations and their work is good.
Now that I am bringing money to our family, my husband and I discuss together how to spend for our children’s needs.
We want the ICSEE to stick with us. We are reaching lots of people with good things like this stove, and we couldn’t reach them without the help of the ICSEE.
I am looking into the future. I see a better future, a good future, because of what we are doing. Life is better because of the work we are doing.”
“Life is better because of the work we are doing.”
The People’s energy for action expands the power of your gifts, making them a springboard for transformation
With your donations, we designed and installed a new 5000-liter-a-day water sanitation system in the most remote corner of Mbuyuni village. The People joined in with enthusiastic volunteer labor, eager to have safe water at last.
Many Maasai now have healthier smoke-free homes and the word is spreading. Other organizations approach us now to collaborate on the stoves and solar.
Climate change
Climate change brings drought and unpredictable weather. Your gifts created training programs and built the Manyara Feedlot and Cow Fodder Factory. Beyond these first steps, there is an urgent need for continuous adaptation to climate change in this pastoralist society.
Contribute $1,700 to cover half the cost of a chlorination system, providing safe water to 100 families
Your $300 provides fodder to help ten cos of village women thrive through two months of drought.
Help get the smoke out! Your $225 gift means four moms and their kids will breathe better in their homes.